Dr. Daren Martin advises, speaks, and writes books on Company Culture, Employee Engagement, Sales, Leadership, Customer Experience and more. His bestselling book, A Company of Owners has sparked positive change at companies around the world and has been called "Best book I have read since Good to Great". Other titles include, Whiteboard: Business Models That Inspire Action, Unbeach Your Company: Learning to Swim in the New Ocean and The Sink: Radical Transformation with One Small Change.
He provides Keynotes for a wide range of Conferences and Industries including Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Financial, Hospitality, and more as well as for Associations and Franchise groups. His captivating stories, relatable examples, and powerful hooks keep attendees coming back to what they learned, while accelerating meaningful change. Dr. Martin's thought leadership and change strategies in transforming companies earned him the title The Culture Architect.