with Michael Bungay Stanier
April 02, 2024
11 AM - 12 PM Eastern Time
10 AM - 11 AM Central Time
8 AM - 9 AM Pacific Time
Complimentary for IMS Members

/Book by Michael Bungay Stanier
/Book by Michael Bungay Stanier



Your happiness and success depend on your working relationships. The people you manage. How well you work with your boss. The way collaboration happens with colleagues and peers. How you connect with important prospects and key clients.

But the hard truth is this: most of us leave the health and fate of these relationships to chance. We say "Hi," exchange pleasantries, hope for the best, and immediately get into the work.

Soon (sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes minutes), the first cracks appear. A misunderstanding. An expectation not met. A low-grade irritation. A random act of weirdness. Different ways of seeing the world or getting things done. A flare-up under stress.

Every relationship becomes suboptimal at some point, whether it's a good one that goes off the rails or one that was poor from the start.

When suboptimal happens, most of us don't know what to do about it. We blame them, or ourselves, or the universe (or maybe all three). We get all the feelings: sad, let down, irritated, frustrated.

But mostly we are resigned to the fact that this is what happens: relationships always get a little broken, or a little stale, or a little worse. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre. Carry on.

In this practical session, you'll learn how to reverse that trend and build the best possible working relationship with anyone. Well, almost anyone. You will

  • learn the three attributes of a resilient and long-lasting relationship
  • understand how you can aspire to "the best possible relationship" with every one of your key working relationships
  • investigate the one awkward but essential conversation that will set up success
  • take a deep dive into one of the Keystone Conversation questions, and prepare your best answers to them

You will leave with a renewed optimism about the quality of their working relationships, a determination to actively manage them, and a plan to get things started.



Michael Bungay Stanier is at the forefront of shaping how organizations around the world make being coach-like an essential leadership competency. His book The Coaching Habit "unweirds coaching". It is the best-selling coaching book of this century, with over a million copies sold and more than ten thousand five-star reviews on Amazon. In 2019, he was named the #1 thought leader in coaching. Michael was the first Canadian Coach of the Year, has been named a Global Coaching Guru since 2014, and was a Rhodes Scholar. His most recent book, How to Work with (Almost) Anyone, shows how to build the Best Possible Relationship with the key people at work.

Michael founded Box of Crayons, a learning and development company that had helped hundreds of organizations transform from advice-driven to curiosity-led. (Learn more at

Michael is a compelling speaker and facilitator, combining practicality, humour, and an unprecedented degree of engagement with the audience. He's spoken on stages and screens around the world in front of crowds ranging from ten to ten thousand. His TEDx talk has been watched by a million and a half people.

Program Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based (Zoom platform)
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Field of Study: Personal Development
PLEASE NOTE: All virtual programs are held using the Zoom web application. If you do not have Zoom, or if it is not approved for use in your organization, you can log in using your personal device (tablet or phone). If you would like to test Zoom to be sure it is working on your computer or portable device, you can do so by going to:
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